A small kitchen can be a challenge to navigate, especially when it comes to storage space. However, with a little creativity and some practical solutions, it is possible to make the most out of a limited area. Here are some ways to creatively maximize storage in a small kitchen renovation. 

Utilize Vertical Space

One way to maximize storage in a small kitchen is to utilize vertical space. Professional organizer Evelyn Orth, founder of Revise HTX often recommends utilizing vertical space in small kitchens to maximize storage. This is because using walls for storage can free up valuable counter and cabinet space, making the kitchen feel more open and organized. Vertical storage can also be an effective way to showcase decorative items, such as plants or artwork, while still providing functional storage for everyday items. Additionally, using wall-mounted shelves and hanging pots and pans from a ceiling-mounted rack can add character and personality to the kitchen, making it a more enjoyable space to spend time in. By using vertical space effectively, a professional organizer can help their clients make the most out of their small kitchens, creating a functional and inviting space that feels spacious and organized. 

By using the walls for storage, you can free up valuable counter and cabinet space. One simple and stylish way to do this is by using wall-mounted shelves. Not only do they provide extra storage, but they also add a decorative element to the kitchen. Another way to utilize vertical space is by hanging pots and pans from a ceiling-mounted rack. This not only frees up cabinet space but also adds a rustic and cozy look to the kitchen.

Utilize Hidden Storage

Another way to maximize storage in a small kitchen is to utilize hidden storage. Hidden storage is essential to keep a small kitchen organized and clutter-free. One example of hidden storage is a pull-out pantry shelf. This type of shelf maximizes space by allowing you to easily store and access food items without having to dig through crowded cabinets. Another example is hidden drawers. They can be used to store spices or utensils and can be concealed behind cabinet doors to keep everything organized and out of sight.

Utilize Multi-functional Furniture

A third way to maximize storage in a small kitchen is to utilize multi-functional furniture. Multi-functional furniture is an excellent way to maximize space by having more than one function. GAMCO Remodeling recommends adding a kitchen Island. A kitchen island that doubles as a storage unit or a table with built-in storage is perfect for a small kitchen. Not only do they provide additional storage, but they also add style and functionality to the kitchen.

Utilize Under-Sink Storage

A fourth way to maximize storage in a small kitchen is to utilize under-sink storage. The space under the sink can be a valuable resource for storage. It’s a great place to keep cleaning supplies and other items organized and out of sight. Pull-out drawers and sliding baskets are perfect for utilizing the space under the sink. They provide easy access to items and can be used to store a variety of items, such as cleaning supplies, dish towels, and even pots and pans.

Utilize Cabinet and Drawer Organizers

A fifth way to maximize storage in a small kitchen is to utilize cabinet and drawer organizers. Cabinet and drawer organizers are essential to maximize the space inside cabinets and drawers. Lazy Susan turntables are perfect for maximizing corner cabinet space, pull-out organizers are great for storing pots and pans, and dividers can be used to keep utensils and other small items organized. These organizers can help keep items in their place, making it easier to find what you need when you need it.


In conclusion, a small kitchen does not have to mean limited storage. With a little creativity and some practical solutions, it is possible to maximize storage space in even the smallest kitchen. By utilizing vertical space, hidden storage, multi-functional furniture, under-sink storage, and cabinet and drawer organizers, you can create a functional and organized kitchen that is also stylish and welcoming. These ideas are simple and practical, and they will help you make the most of your limited space. So, if you have a small kitchen, don’t be discouraged. Instead, embrace the challenge and use these ideas to create a space that works for you. 

If you need help maximizing the space in your small kitchen renovation, contact GAMCO Remodeling today.