Best Bathroom Mirror and Light Ideas

Bathrooms are an important part of the house. There is a myth from ancient times that ‘if you have to visit someone’s house for the first time and want to know about the people who have been living there, then check their bathrooms’. The bathroom decoration and the setting of the accessories, mirror, tissue paper hangers, towel, tub, explained the person’s interest and personality. A mirror is an essential part of the bathroom. They are important for checking out one’s appearance, applying makeup, or shaving. Beyond all this stuff, it can do so much more than just showing you a reflection. It can also be used to enhance the style, beauty of the bathroom. Moreover, it usually provides additional storage space for your cosmetics and medicine to heighten your overall bathroom utility. The selection of the right style for the bathroom and mirror set is a huge contributing factor that will affect your bathroom’s overall style massively. There are some amazing ways to decorate your bathroom with these bathroom mirror and light ideas.

Round shaped mirror:

The round mirror is not a much new style, and we all are familiar with it. It can give a light touch to the bathroom with blends seamlessly without disrupting its existing flow. But nowadays, the use of the convex mirror in round-shaped mirrors bends the light that reflects and focuses it on its focal point in the center. This mirror reflects a smaller image, which provides more space for more images to fit than normal mirrors. The use of traditional wood is now, which gives a very different and traditional look to the bathroom.

A rounded shaped rectangular mirror:

A rounded rectangle-shaped or folded corner mirror adds an unconventional touch to your bathroom. It can turn the custom vanity mirror. This type of mirror is the best mirror for them because they don’t have much space in the bathroom. Its design can give much more glamour to your bathroom’s overall vibe while utilizing more amazing and convenient than the room’s corners. Folded mirrors are also ideal for those who want to design beautiful corner walls. You can also use tapping wood around the mirror to give a binding look to your sink.

Long mirror:

A long mirror helps to lengthen the bathroom’s overall look as it stretches out the eye along its length. It can also adjust to the wall with minimum space between for extra lighting and added design for your bathroom interior. As if you want a dual sink in your bathroom, it is best to pair it up with an angular double mirror to bring symmetry and balance to your bathroom.

Use of lights with the mirror:

A mirror equipped with light-emitting diodes (LED) is one of the best perceivable ways to get a realistic reflection of an image. These lights are usually set under the mirror, which gives a unique galaxy type reflection to your bathroom. Unlike other lighted bathroom mirrors, LED-lit mirrors are proven to conserve electricity and produce a pure white light–perfect for shaving and applying makeup.

If these bathroom mirror and light ideas gave you inspiration for your bathroom remodeling project contact GAMCO Remodeling at (631​) 587-2266